Admission at a public school in the Republic of South Africa is determined by section 5 of the South African School’s Act of 1996 which states that the Governing Body of a school has to determine an admission policy which is within the framework of the Constitution.

School Fees & Billing
Payments made by parents personally are much safer than sending money with children. Remember that the school can not accept any responsibility for monies lost before it has been handed over at school. Please make sure that ALL receipts are kept safely as this is YOUR proof of payment.
Payments can also be made directly into the school’s account:
ACCOUNT NAME: Zwaanswyk Academy
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 450 490 024
REFERENCE: Use your child as a reference
Please email a copy of your deposit slip to school so that your account can be credited with the correct amount paid.
At an annual general meeting, arranged by the Governing Body and to which all parents are invited, a decision on the amount of school fees payable the next year, is made. Paying of fees is compulsory.
Grade R 2024
PER YEAR - R19 704.00
PM X12 - R1 642.00
PM X10 - R1 971.00
Grades 1- 7 2024
PER YEAR - R17 734.00
PM X 12 - R1 478.00
PM X 10 - R1 774.00
PER YEAR - R6 502.00
PM X 12 - R542.00
PER TERM - R1 626.00
MUSIC 2024
PER YEAR - R4 700.00
PM X 10 - R470.00
PER YEAR - R3 580.00
PM X 10 - R358.00
NB: ALL school fee accounts must in good standing in order for learners to attend aftercare and music lessons
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (Applies if paid in full by 28 FEBRUARY 2024) ∙ 1 child - 4%
∙ 3+ children - 4%
Zwaanswyk Academy is a public school enrolling learners from Grade R to Grade 7. Our admission criteria are as follow:
Grade R: The learner should turn 6 during the Grade R year.
Grade 1: The learner should turn 7 during the Grade 1 year.
Normally learners who are two years older or two years younger than the average age of the grade will be considered as too old/young for admission to that particular grade. Depending on a variety of factors such as physical size, emotional maturity and psychological well-being of the learner and receiving class, and after in-depth consultation with the parents, the learner may be placed in the class best suited to realise the child’s successful progress.
Area / Zone
Learners are enrolled from the accepted zone of the school as per its constitution.
These suburbs include Retreat, Kirstenhof, Tokai, Grassy Park, Seawinds, lakeside, Sandvlei, Marina da Gama, Strandfontein and surrounds, within a 5km radius of the school. Depending on the availability of placements in each grade, learners may also be enrolled from suburbs outside the mentioned zone.
Learners will also be considered for admittance if their parents are employed within the CBD of Retreat/Tokai. They must be in permanent employ for a minimum of 6 months prior to application.
Learners who are siblings and who reside within the designated zone enjoy preference, but acceptance is not automatic as the applicant still has to meet the set requirements. Although the sibling factor is taken into account a learner is not automatically accepted if he/she is a sibling and the family resides outside the designated zone.
Language of Learning and Teaching
The language of Learning and Teaching at Zwaanswyk Academy is English. Learners whose mother tongue is not English may be admitted to the school after consultation with the parents. Should it be decided to place the child, placement will be into a class most likely to ensure the child’s successful progress.
Grade R: No discrimination against a non-English speaking applicant.
Grade 1: The school is usually willing to accept a learner whose home language is not English and who resides in our area, because at Grade 1 level we are able to help the learner acquire language proficiency due to their young age, but we do discuss the future implications with the parents.
Special cases
All cases are dealt with according to the individual need and merit. With the parents’ involvement, the best interests of the child are served by assisting the family to find an appropriate institution of learning. This could be at ZWAANSWYK ACADEMY or an alternative school.
These cases may be:
Learners who cannot speak English.
Children needing specialised education.
Children not age appropriate.
Children with a history of severely disruptive or inappropriate behaviour.
Class sizes
Class sizes will be limited to 34, but, ideally, 30.
The right to appeal
Parents have the right to appeal to the Principal or Chairperson of the Governing Body should they be dissatisfied with any admission decision determined by the school.
Thereafter they may make further representation with the WCED Circuit Manager.
All parents wishing to enrol at ZWAANSWYK ACADEMY must:
Complete an application form.
Come in on an arranged date for an interview with the Principal.
The prospective learner is assessed by a ZWAANSWYK ACADEMY educator of his/her current grade. This assessment points to the appropriate placement or grade for which the learner is best suited: Learners will usually be placed according to their age cohort.
The assessment is both written and verbal and is done at the learner’s current grade level.
All relevant documentation is requested from the previous school and the learner’s situation is discussed with the parents if deemed necessary. Parents are advised on the best academic options according to their child’s needs.
During the interview with the parents the following items are discussed:
Work ethic of the school
The opportunities available and offered to learners both intra- and extra-murally.
The teaching style adopted and utilized by the school.
The rights, rules, responsibilities and freedoms of the learners, parents and school with relation to behaviour, homework, uniform, payment of fees, etc.
Parents are encouraged to express their hopes, concerns and questions regarding the enrolment of their child at ZWAANSWYK ACADEMY.
Learners are admitted to Zwaanswyk Academy irrespective of financial or social standing, culture, race, religion or sex. Zwaanswyk Academy is, however, a fee paying school.
The school reserves the right to uphold the code of conduct and school rules as determined by the SGB.
The school uniform and dress code must be strictly adhered to.